There are three ways to enroll and pay
Thank you for joining our Community.
Please click the "PAY DUES ONLINE" link to the left to make your payment by credit
card. OR mail your payment to our address.
P.O. Box 331742, Houston, TX 77233-1742
Dues are payable annually based on the calendar year January 1- December 31.
Residential Household - $25.00 per household per year.
Businesses/churches/organizations - $50.00 per entity per year
Download our "Membership application Form" below
Make check or money order payable to: “Crestmont Park Civic”
Mail to: Crestmont Park Civic Alliance, P.O. Box 331742, Houston, Texas 77233-1742
Donate to our Alliance to support Scholarships & Community Events.
Our organization is a 501 (C3) non-profit organization. Donations in any amount are welcomed.